Noblesville Schools Technology Department

Canvas Web: How Students Can Save Password on iPad

1. Ensure "Block Pop-ups" is turned off by going to iPad's "Settings" - Select "Safari" - turn off "Block Pop-ups"

2. Go back to iPad's "Settings" - Open "Passwords", Select "Password Options"


3. Turn on "AutoFill Passwords" and ensure "Keychain" has a check next to it.


4. Open "Canvas Web", log in student, then tap "Save Password"


5. Next time the student opens Canvas Web, they will see a blue "Use" button (which will have their student ID number next to it), it will auto-fill the username and password, and then they can tap "Log in".


The student may need to tap "Allow" each time after logging in. If a student accidentally clicks "block" just swipe out and have them log back in and you can click "Allow".

Thank you Kristi Smith for helping with these directions!