Noblesville Schools Technology Department

SecureT Printers for Mac Laptops: add & troubleshoot

Set up printers for both Black & White (B&W) and Color Secure Printers.

  1. Click on Apple icon (located at the top left corner of your screen).
  2. Select "System Preferences" and choose "Printers & Scanners".
  3. Click on the Plus Button (+)
  4. Type "Secure" in the search window
  5. Choose “SecureT_B&W_Printer" (used for black and white copiers/printers only) and hit "Add" button.
  6. Repeat these steps to add the color printer by selecting “SecureT_Color_Printer” (used for color copier/printers only).

Troubleshooting Tips:

- Staff machines that are on Ventura, click here for troubleshooting steps. (Mainly HD & NE)

- If the printers disappear, restart the laptop.

- If the print job doesn't print, try deleting and re-adding the copier/printer by completing the following....

Delete Copier/Printer:

  1. Click on Apple icon (located at the top left corner of your screen).
  2. Select "System Preferences" and choose "Printers & Scanners".
  3. Select the copier/printer and
  4. Click on the Minus Button (-)

Re-add Copier/Printer:

  1. Click on the Plus Button (+)
  2. Type "Secure" in the search window
  3. Choose “SecureT_B&W_Printer" (used for black and white copiers/printers only) and hit "Add" button.
  4. Update the details on the "Finisher", "Hole Punch Unit" & "Drawers" fields using the picture below


Repeat these steps to add the color copier/printer by selecting “SecureT_Color_Printer” (used for color copier/printers only).

- If the print job doesn’t appear on the copier, make sure your key fob is under your name when you scan it at the copier.

- Chrome Users: Click here for detailed instructions for issues when printing in Chrome

Tech Notes:

  1. Jennifer Miller
    12 February, 2018