If you are experiencing issues with your Chrome browser, a good place to start is to check for 1. Updates 2. Extensions 3. Clear Browser History 4. Close Chrome and Restart the device.
- On your computer, open Chrome.
- At the top right, click More
- Click Help
About Google Chrome.
- Click Update Google Chrome.
- Click Relaunch.
Typically, Chrome updates in the background when you close and reopen your computer's browser. But if you haven't closed your browser in a while, you might see a pending update.
2. Check for Extensions by going to the three dots to the right of your Chrome login - Select "More Tools" - Click on "Extensions".
3. Remove any extension that you do not need. Do not remove the Phish Alert Extension.
4. Check "Search Engine" and "On Start Up" Preferences. Open Chrome - Select "Chrome" (on the top gray bar) - Preferences - Find these options and remove any unwanted preference.
5. Clear Browser History by going to "Chrome" - Select "Clear Browsing Data" - Click on "Advanced" - Choose "All time" - Click on each box to check all the items - Select the blue "Clear Data" button.
6. Close the Chrome browser and restart the laptop.