Noblesville Schools Technology Department

Creating New/Personal Groups in GMAIL

Here are the directions to adding a Gmail group to your personal contacts...

1. Select the "waffle iron", the grid of nine small grey boxes that you find in the top right corner of your browser when you are using Gmail, to get the drop down and select "Contacts"

Screen Shot 2024-01-25 at 8.42.17 AM.png

2. Select "New Contact"

3. Select the button with "3 people" to get a drop down. Then choose "Create new"

4. Name the new group

5. The new group will now show in your list under "My Contacts" Select the new group name and click the "person +" button (you can also add email lists here). Most contact will auto-populate that are in our domain. If it does not, please enter full email address.

6. Once you begin adding you will see the list of contacts being added to the group.