Noblesville Schools Technology Department

NS Apple Classroom


Getting Started

  1. Ensure to login with school issued Apple ID (GMail account)
  2. Tap Classroom to open the app
  3. If more than one class, tap "My Classes" in the upper left corner of the screen to view a list of classes
  4. Tap on class you want to conduct


Teachers can organize their classroom by creating dynamic groups

  1. From the Actions list tap on the Group button
  2. Create group name
  3. Tap on students to enter in to the group (a checkbox will appear next to the student that will be entered in to the group)
  4. Tap done in the upper right corner of the screen
  5. You can view the group in the group list
  6. To remove a group you created, press and hold on the group then tap remove


Teachers can keep students on task and control what they are viewing.

Locking an app

  1. From the Actions list -- looks like a stack of squares
  2. Turn on "Lock in app after opening" from the bottom of the box.
  3. Scroll to locate the app in the list. (If needed, swipe down in the app list to reveal the search bar, then enter the name of the app.)
  4. Tap the icon for the app.

Share a webpage

  1. Tap Safari to open, tap Share button then tap More
  2. Enable Classroom as a Share button, then click Done
  3. Locate the webpage in Safari, Tap the Share button, then tap the Classroom icon to share the webpage with students

Lock the iPad Screen

  1. From the Actions list
  2. Choose Lock icon
  3. Choose student(s) or group you would like to lock the screen
  4. To Unlock tap the lock in the actions list to unlock the screen

View Student iPad Screen

  1. From the Actions list
  2. Choose Screen icon
  3. Choose the student(s) or group screen you would like to view

Most activities available for teachers is listed in the Action list. At this time Teachers cannot assign iPads nor change passwords for students.

Click here for Apple Classroom User Guide by Apple



  • Ensure teacher and students are logged in with school issued Apple ID (GMail account)
  • Check Bluetooth: This setting must be in the "on" position on both devices.
  • Make sure devices are on the same WIFI connection [NSC_Corp] and "Private Address" is turned off.
  • If the teacher device stops communicating with student devices, close out of the app and relaunch Classroom.
  • Toggle Bluetooth setting on and off on the teacher device.
  • Check that Location Services is "on" for both devices.
  • Make sure students have not enabled Airplane mode.
  • Ensure to "end class" for the next class to show up as online.

What should you do if the teacher's Classroom app is stating that it is not configured?

  • Delete app and reinstall it
  • Complete a hard restart
  • If the first two options do not resolve it, create a HelpDesk Ticket

What do I need to know about launching apps?

  • In order for the teacher to launch an app, it must be installed on teacher and student devices.
  • When a teacher launches an app, all other apps are hidden from the home screen on the student devices.
  • Launching an app puts the student iPad in Guided Access.
  • When exiting single app mode, some app icons may appear as grayed out; this issue will resolve itself.

What is the range for the devices?

  • The range for the student devices to be on a teacher's classroom app is limited to the classroom.

Can IAs use Classroom?

As IAs do not have classes in PowerSchool, they do not have a teacher profile in Classroom. However, ONE teacher profile can be placed on an IA iPad to allow them access to those classes.

Click here for a demo video