Noblesville Schools Technology Department

Detect & Report a Phishing Email

A majority of data breaches are caused by social engineering scams such as phishing emails. Click here for some basic tips on how to detect a phishing scam.

  • Report suspicious emails
    • Use the KnowB4 Phish Alert Button Screen Shot 2019-10-07 at 10.28.26 AM.png to the right of your inbox to report suspicious emails. Chrome browsers will also have the option to select the PAB above their email messages.

    PAB copy 2.jpg

  • Google SPAM
    • On your computer, open Gmail. Select one or more emails and Click Report spam _JMTh657KRHVAqAIuF5QcVaSNobpDkYP7taKp1NLvuuVVdE6lf5IgjvyeA8rVhYvA2M=w36-h36.png.
    • On your iPhone or iPad, open the Gmail app Uk5_ENe4t7dNpIGCApDiRqbC0G9LP1isc4s4gVja3UKKx1grWd6yocLL1IW4Lnyn067q=w36-h36.png. Tap the sender's profile image next to the message you want to mark as spam. In the top right, tap More QrT0P390hDRxBG8bKFmautuL9d1wu8mRng14jIWXcv0TEXWAa3osCvNg84Ma8T4RrQ=w36-h36.png 3_l97rr0GvhSP2XV5OoCkV2ZDTIisAOczrSdzNCBxhIKWrjXjHucxNwocghoUa39gw=w36-h36.png Report spam.
    • When you click Report spam _JMTh657KRHVAqAIuF5QcVaSNobpDkYP7taKp1NLvuuVVdE6lf5IgjvyeA8rVhYvA2M=w36-h36.png or manually move an email into your Spam folder, Google will receive a copy of the email and may analyze it to help protect our users from spam and abuse.

  • Google Security Check-Up
    • Complete a Google Security Check-Up periodically by visiting Check "Recent Security Activity" and "Your Devices" to ensure you recognize all that is listed.
    • Pay special attention when you receive a Google "Security Alert" email. Be sure to visit the Google Security Check-Up site anytime you do not recognize the activity.