App Features:
- Import, annotate and share documents, PDF’s, Worksheets and Power Points
- Illustrate concepts
- Import Books and Images from the Web
- Record lectures
- Organize Notes from Writing Conferences
Version History (Students 6th-12th): Notability also has a version history similar to Google Docs. This comes in handy if you have a student who modified or deleted text from a note and wants to get it back. Here's how:
- In Notability, open the Library.
- Tap and hold on the note you want until a menu pops up.
- Click "iCloud Version History" from the menu that appears.
- You will see a list of versions with a timestamp. Click a version to select it.
- Click "Recover". The recovered version will be downloaded as a separate note.
Back-up & Restore Notes:
- Back-up Notability, Keynote, & Pages
How to place documents back into Notability
- For detailed instructions visit: Protect your Notability files - English
Protect your Notability files - Spanish
Protect your Notability files - Portuguese
Protect your Notability files - Russian
- Unable to write on a Note with my finger or stylus
- Open a note
- Tap the :Options" (3 dots) menu and navigate to "Info"
- Tap "Disconnect" next to Apple pencil or device
- Click here to view Notability's FAQ page