Noblesville Schools Technology Department

Stony Creek: AV System Gym

Stony Creek Gym AV System

If you need this unlocked please see Tech Assistant: Cassie Wright (Ext: 30140) or Building manager: Garrett Walter (Ext: 30130)

1. How to turn on the projector and lower screen.

  • Open the sound rack door and locate the flex panel (the small screen, not the iPad).
  • Tap the screen to wake it up, Type in code 1350 and press enter
  • Click the on/off option for the projector. When switched on the projector will turn on and the screen will lower.
  • When you are done click the on/off option on the flex panel. The projector will turn off and the screen will retract.

2. How to connect a microphone

  • There are 2 wireless microphones located in the draw inside the sound rack. There are also batteries in the drawer in case the microphone needs new batteries.
  • Simply hold the power button on the microphone to turn on.

3. How to bluetooth to the sound rack

  • Open Sound rack
  • Push and hold the bluetooth pairing button until the screen says pairing.
  • On your device open your bluetooth settings
  • Select CD400U

4. How to Use a DVD Player

  • Hook DVD player up via HDMI cable into the HDMI wall port and plug into power.
  • Turn on the projector and lower the screen (see section 1)
  • You should be able to play/navigate using the DVD remote.

5. How to adjust the volume

  • locate the iPad in the sound rack
  • Make sure it is connected to the soundtracks WIFI. Settings>Wi-Fi>Soundcraft Ui24> Join Network
  • Open the Sound craft Ui app. If you have trouble with the app, you can go to safari>

-When using a wireless microphone…

  • Slowly adjust the Wireless 1 or Wireless 2 fader. It will correspond with the microphone you are using

-When using bluetooth….

  • Slowly adjust the CD l and CD r faders

-When using projector

  • Slowly adjust the projector fader