Web Browser
- Log in to your main ParentSquare account.
- Click your name in upper right and select My Account.
- Click Combine with another account
- If there are any accounts matching your verified email(s) or phone(s), a page with recommended users will appear.
a. Click Combine Accounts, confirm any additional contacts on the account, and click Combine Accounts.
b. If you do not see the account you want to combine, click combine another account. - Log in to your other ParentSquare account.
- Select name to use on your account and click Combine Accounts.
- Your accounts are now combined. The next time you login to ParentSquare, you will be able to access your account using any* of the associated email addresses or phone numbers on your combined account. *Note: Staff must sign in with the email or phone number associated with their staff account.
ParentSquare Mobile App
- Log in to your main ParentSquare account. Note: Staff must log in with the email or phone number associated with their staff account.
- Tap menu in upper left, select Account then Combine Accounts
- Sign in to your other ParentSquare account
- Select name to use on your account and click Combine Accounts.
- Your accounts are now combined. The next time you login to ParentSquare, you will be able to access your account using any* of the associated email addresses or phone numbers on your combined account. *Note: Staff must sign in with the email or phone number associated with their staff account.
Click here to visit ParentSquare for more detailed instructions