Noblesville Schools Technology Department

How to Take a Screen Shot on OS X

How to take a screenshot on a Mac

hold down command ⌘ and shift and press 3 = Mac OS X captures the entire screen and saves it as a file on the desktop. The file name will look like “Screen shot 2013-12-06 at 08.45.00 AM.png”.

How do I take a partial screenshot?

hold down command ⌘ and shift and press 4 = Use your mouse to draw a rectangle in order to specify what to capture – or press the spacebarand then click on something (e.g. a window) to capture it. Mac OS X then saves it as a file on the desktop. The file name will look like “Screen shot 2013-12-06 at 08.45.00 AM.png”.

I don’t need a file. How can I have a screenshot in the clipboard instead?

hold down control together with any of the combinations above = Mac OS X takes a screenshot and copies it to the clipboard (instead of saving it as a file).

I guess it’s in the clipboard now. How can I paste it into a document or something?

hold down command ⌘ and press V = Mac OS X pastes the screenshot (that is in the clipboard) into a document or image you are currently editing.

I don’t like keyboard shortcuts. How can I take a screenshot using Preview?; height: 390px; vertical-align: top; background-position: 5px 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;">

How can I have my screenshots in other file formats than PNG?

With Preview (see previous question) you can save your screenshots in JPG, TIFF, PDF, and other file formats.

I need even more flexibility. How can I take screenshots using the command line (“Terminal”)?

  • try help: screencapture --help
  • use delays: sleep 10; screencapture ~/Desktop/screenshot.png

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