Noblesville Schools Technology Department

AirSever - Freezing?

My Mac is freezing when I mirror using Airplay:

Tip#1 This may be due to a hardware decoder conflict. To fix this, open AirServer preferences and click the Mirroring tab. Here, enable the "Use Software Decoder Only" option. Mirror again and everything should start working smoothly.


a. Find the mirroring tab in AirServer Preferences and try selecting the "Use Software decoder only" option if you are on a Mac. Then disconnect and mirror again. This can impact performance on many machines.

b.  Try changing the optimization (under the mirroring tab) to 720p and mirror again. If AirServer is projecting on a display which is 1080p or larger, and mirroring optimization is set for "Any Device - Recommended," then AirServer will automatically negotiate the best possible mirroring resolution for 1080p, which can cause slowness.