Noblesville Schools Technology Department

How to back up iPad


  1. Open iPad Settings and Sign in to your iPad at the top left corner
  2. Apple ID:
  3. Password: Google password
  4. If you are not able to sign into your Apple ID on your iPad, please see your building's tech support


  1. Open the Notability app>settings (Gear upper left) >Auto-Backup>Google Drive and sign into your google account
  2. Check to make sure that you have a current backup by going to the setting gear in Notability > About > System Diagnostics > last backup date. If the backup is not recent, open a new note type or draw something in it and check again.
  3. Turn on iCloud sync. You must be signed into your Apple ID in the iPad's Settings, then go to Notability app settings >iCloud> turn on iCloud Syncing
  4. For detailed instructions visit: Protect your Notability files - English


  1. Click on your Apple ID (top, left corner of your settings)
  2. Click on iCloud
  3. Toggle on everything you would like to have backed up
  4. iCloud Backup>toggle ON (if you do not see it here, go to settings>photos>iCloud backup)
  5. Click on iCloud backup>Backup now


If you are working on an assignment or project in these apps, make sure to send a backup copy to Google Drive or iCloud Drive and then make sure it is there!


Apps that backup to the Internet (these will backup on their own; you do not need to do anything)

  1. Google Drive
  2. Google Docs
  3. Google Sheets
  4. Google Slides
  5. Canvas

Back-up iPad to iCloud or iTunes

revised Feb 26, 2024